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def (source: SdifFile) -> None

FrameR is an iterator over the matrices of a frame.

Access the matrices by iterating on the frame, or calling next(frame).


A FrameR is not created by a user, it is yielded by a SdifFile on iteration.


import pysdif
sdiffile = pysdif.SdifFile("1trc.sdif")
# Iterating over a SdifFile open for reading yields FrameR
for frame in sdiffile:
    print(frame.signature, frame.time)
    # iterating over a frame yields the matrices present in the frame
    for matrix in frame:
        print(matrix.signature, matrix.get_data())


  • source (SdifFile): the sidffile this frame belongs to


Property Description
id (int) The id of this frame
matrix_idx The index of the current matrix
num_matrices (int) The number of matrices in this frame
numerical_signature -
signature (str) The string signature of this frame
size (int) The size of this frame in bytes
time (float) The time of this frame
Method Description
get_matrix Reads the next matrix entirely, returns (matrixsig, data)


  • id: (int) The id of this frame
  • matrix_idx: The index of the current matrix
  • num_matrices: (int) The number of matrices in this frame
  • numerical_signature
  • signature: (str) The string signature of this frame
  • size: (int) The size of this frame in bytes
  • time: (float) The time of this frame



FrameR.get_matrix(self, copy=True)

Reads the next matrix entirely, returns (matrixsig, data)


Raises StopIteration when there are no more matrices


frame = next(sdiffile)
while True:
    sig, data = frame.get_matrix()

This is the same as:

frame = next(sdiffile)
for matrix in frame:


  • copy: return a copy of the data. If copy==False, then the data is only valid as long as no other matrix is read. This is done to avoid allocating new memory for each new matrix for the cases where the data is not preversed but transformed within a streaming procees.


    (tuple[str, numpy.array]) A tuple (string signature, matrix data)